
Mobility scooters are safe and easy to use for most individuals. Still, it is important to review a few basic instructions prior to operating one. Our power wheelchair selection in Little Rock and Central Arkansas is ideal for those looking to increase their mobility without having to worry about slowing their loved ones down. Our mobility scooters at TruMotion Medical come in an array of configurations and styles. Consider your needs or the needs of your loved one to help choose the perfect electric scooter elderly people can benefit from.

Drive Medical Scooter

Types of Power Scooters

Standard Electric Scooters for Elderly People

When selecting an elderly electric scooter type, think about where the mobility scooter will be used. Standard motor scooters are ideal for those who are looking to only use it for day-to-day activity with lower travel and less heavy-duty activities.

Portable/Folding Elderly Electric Scooters for Travel

Mobility is possible! The electric scooter elderly, seniors and disabled individuals need can be found in TruMotion Medical’s travel scooter lineup. These versatile yet durable scooters feature feather-touch disassembly, which allows for the scooter to be disassembled into five pieces that are easy to carry and transport from place to place. Our portable/folding electric scooter for elderly and disabled individuals is super compact and can easily be driven in smaller spaces.

Heavy Duty Electric Scooters for Elderly Individuals

For those seniors who need a more powerful and heavy-duty mobility scooter, TruMotion Medical has heavy-duty electric scooters elderly people can enjoy. All of our heavy-duty electric scooter for elderly users is equipped with an ultra, heavy-duty drivetrain for exceptional power. It’s easy for you or your loved one to operate the our heavy-duty electric scooter with the user-friendly tiller.

Our standard wheelchairs are equipped with stylish, durable, and reliable performance. The power chair comes with adjustable height, width, and angle, padded arms, allowing for more customization options that conform to any user as well as a semi reclining back with a headrest for maximum comfort and support. The seat even has the option of being adjusted forward or back for proper comfort positioning. We offer both Trident and Titian models.

Portable and foldable wheel chairs are ideal for loading your at home medical scooter in and out of a vehicle. It comes in an attractive, lightweight, frame that is easy to maintain. Our power chairs come standard with a seat belt, seat cushion with pouch for easy storage, swing away footrests with calf straps and heel loops, wheel locks and an adjustable tension, padded, back upholstery, adding to users convenience, safety and comfort.

At TruMotion Medical, our heavy-duty power chairs come with adjustable height, width, and angle, padded armrests, allowing for more customization options that conform to any user as well as a semi reclining back with a headrest for maximum comfort and support. The seat even has the option of being adjusted forward or back for proper comfort positioning. Our heavy-duty power-chair is the ideal chair for anyone looking for a high performance heavy-duty power-chair.

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